File format

Used to store raw numerical sensor data in high or low sampling frequency.

File format

In csv format, separated by ,, no white space. The file may be gzipped.

2015-01-05 15:23:00.244,[P1],2.456,3.123,4.321,2.331,...

Column name

  1. HEADER_TIME_STAMP is required to be the first column.

  2. Other column names are in UPPERCASE style, separated by _, allowed characters: alphabets and digits.

  3. Although column name is completely customized, it is recommended to use style [MEASUREMENT]_IN_[UNIT], where MEASUREMENT is the name of measurement, and UNIT is the unit of measurement, which is optional.

  4. If containing multiple participants, the second column should be PARTICIPANT_ID.


For inertial sensors, column names could be X_IN_G, Y_IN_G, Z_IN_G, where IN_XXX is used to specify the unit of the measurement, but it is optional.

For heart rate monitor, column names could be HR_IN_BPM.

For GPS monitor, column names could be LATITUDE_IN_DEGREE or LONGITUIDE_IN_RADIUS.

See a complete list of recommended column names for different data types.


  1. In local time zone, meaning the time zone where data was collected. Time zone can be identified through filename convention.

  2. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS

Data format

  1. Only numerical values are allowed.

  2. To control file size, it is recommended to not use higher float value precision than necessary.

  3. No white space.

  4. If value is not available, use "" empty string instead.

Last updated